Climate Change Roundup Report from the UK

01 Jul 2023

The 2023 Sustainability Leaders report on which organizations have helped advance sustainable development has the prominent corporate sustainability leader Patagonia. Also in this report are feedback on guidance on developing an ethical business culture, ethical AI tools, the role of B Corp certifications in working with clients with potential adverse environmental impacts, and B Corp ensuring the voices of LGBTQ customers and workers. Lab Europe announced a new coalition to preserve the ambition of the Proposed European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) to set out social and environmental disclosure standards.

A review by the Law Commission of the co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Friendly Societies Act will take place. Social Enterprise UK announces a new 'Roadmap' to help harness the potential of social value more available and an approach to business that will champion social enterprises, co-ops, and other businesses.

Social Investment Business has found that social investment significantly lowers deprivation while boosting economic output in communities, but investors and their industries need better/more transparent data. Several new developments in investment news in the UK include the sectors of FinTech, social housing, and food-waste prevention. As far as climate developments, the UN Environment Program World Conservation Monitoring Center has published guidance for businesses to obtain a holistic view of their dependence on nature, and the Climate Change Committee (CCC) has said its confidence in the UK meeting its goals is less when it comes to Net Zero delivery. ReGenerate has published a map that shows current initiatives for socially equitable energy transition with a focus on UK initiatives and updated recommendations for financial institutions for companies attempting to reach net zero, there are new rules for COP meetings requiring participants to list affiliations to organizations, and a report on to what extent asset owners are incorporating biodiversity and natural capital into their decision-making is being observed.

Guidance from the Committee of Advertising Practice has been published to help businesses when making 'green' claims about their products or services, and the OECD has published recommendations to multinational enterprises to enhance sustainable development and address adverse social and environmental impacts associated with the activities of businesses. The EU Commission has opened a consultation on the proposed new European Sustainability Reporting Standards to set out social and environmental disclosure requirements, and the Parliament has adopted its position to push companies to mitigate their negative social and environmental impact by engaging with stakeholders, monitor their due diligence policy, and introduce a grievance mechanism.