Conference: Cooperative Legislation

06 Sep 2023

ICA President on Cooperative Law

This conference, hosted during the 19th University Conference of Social Economy Entities, organized by the National University of the South (UNS), the Department of Administration Sciences of the UNS, the Regional Intercooperative Association (AIR), and the Argentine Federation of Cooperatives of Consumption in the Argentine city of Bahía Blanca, explored several key topics. The speaker expressed their conviction that there are many individuals worldwide with good ideas and intentions, but only a few can sustain them over time, emphasizing the importance of perseverance. The conference celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Cooperative Law and the critical role it plays in shaping the cooperative movement. It discussed the history of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and its mission to promote and define authentic Cooperative Principles.

The conference also touched on the collaboration between the ICA and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in shaping cooperative law. It highlighted the recent UN General Assembly Resolution 77, which promotes the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development. The speaker noted the need for cooperatives to engage in discussions about the digital economy, the transformation of work organizations, and the energy transition. They also stressed the importance of cooperatives influencing regulatory frameworks for these areas and called for protecting the model of state management with citizen participation.

In addition to addressing these contemporary challenges, the speaker acknowledged the diversity of cooperatives in Argentina and emphasized the role of cooperative law in enabling their growth and success. They also raised concerns about potential changes to tax regulations and exemptions for cooperatives, underlining the need for recognition of the cooperative model.

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