Electric Co-op Consortium Seeks Infrastructure Funds to Speed Next-Gen Smart Grid Deployments

17 Mar 2023

The research and development arm of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), today applied for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

If approved, the application will accelerate the deployment of next-generation smart grid technologies at 69 electric co-ops that serve 6.5 million consumers across 26 states. Co-ops will use the funds to complete high-priority grid modernization projects and increase the reliability and resilience of their electric power systems.

Original Link: https://www.electric.coop/electric-co-op-consortium-seeks-infrastructure-funds-to-speed-next-gen-smart-grid-deployments

Image Link: https://pixabay.com/photos/electricity-pylon-electrical-grid-3916954/
