Historic digital rights win for WIE and the ADCU over Uber and Ola at Amsterdam Court of Appeal

04 Apr 2023

In a series of historic and wide-ranging digital rights rulings, the Court of Appeals in Amsterdam has found in favour of workers and against Uber and Ola Cabs. Worker Info Exchange brought the cases in support of members of the App Drivers & Couriers Union in Great Britain and a driver based in Portugal.

Original Link: https://www.workerinfoexchange.org/post/historic-digital-rights-win-for-wie-and-the-adcu-over-uber-and-ola-at-amsterdam-court-of-appeal

Image Link: https://datanews.knack.be/nieuws/uber-app-verboden-in-brussel-chauffeurs-komen-op-straat/

Worker Info Exchange